Observations from a Professional This EnDucate system is indeed pioneering in all of the ways that count (i.e., in the proverbial [day care center] trenches where the real work is done across this country every day with millions of our children). Thumbs up for this marvelously exciting creation.
Over the past 30+ years I’ve had the opportunity to work with many different age groups, particularly children (presently I’ve been focusing on incarcerated adults). One of the common denominators I have found to be shared by adults and children in crisis circumstances is the emotion link, i.e., many children in crisis often show signs of deficient emotional literacy and development; and the adults I now see prove that the same lack of emotional literacy and development can be traced, often, to their poor choices which led to incarceration. It is vital that we as a society (particularly our child care providers) recognize the need to address a child’s emotional literacy as early as possible. After hearing about Ms. Lewis' work from a trusted colleague, over a 10 month period during 2008 I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to observe some of this EnDUCATE™ system’s methods for developing emotional literacy within the preschool ranks (I attended meetings at one of Ms. Lewis' preschools, spoke at parent/child gatherings and informallt counseled a number of parents during my many visits), and applaud this effort wholeheartedly. In my own research I have yet to find such an approach to early childhood emotional literacy being used in the child care industry. The choices our teens and eventually adults make throughout their lives can often be traced to the level of emotional maturity developed very early in childhood. Today we settle for using the slang terms (e.g., he/she has "issues" is a common one) and anecdotal comments to avoid the real "issue"—our children need to have their emotional literacy developed sooner rather than later. I look forward to visiting and further observing your achievements, as I've told Ms. Lewis directly, "you are certainly on to something great, and I have no doubt that it will spread across the nation as your voice and message is heard." This emotional literacy contribution is one in which I will watch closely as it grows into the preschool mainstay I predict.
My 2011 Update By: S.A. Tony VanSluytman, LCSW As I intended, I have kept in touch and monitored the progress of this project. I can wholeheartedly report that Fun Factory Education Corp. is on track to make a breakthrough in childcare learning methods on a scale not unlike my original predictions. Upon receipt and review of their new Professor Frisky 4-Disc Children's Collection of songs, audio books, animated video and eBooks, I give this excellent product an A+ and completely concur with its release as an entertainment product, separate and apart from the entire Emotional Literacy learning system. Kudos! I will be standing by for more. Prof Observations | What is Emotional Literacy? | Videos | Emotion Activity Play Center | | Return Home | Gravity Free University | Professor Frisky von Onion Bagel, S.D. | Contact Us | |