This website has been developed over the years to serve, first and foremost, as a "data center" for Emotional Literacy material related primarily to preschool age children. There are dozens of links that will provide readers with considerable information regarding all of our work in this field, articles by others, various evidence based sources and countless insights into this very important subject matter.
We are a Specialty Education (Preschool Emotional Literacy), Public Relations, Advertising/Marketing & Licensing company focused on Early Childhood Development of Emotional Literacy (i.e., preschool through 2nd Grade) and how Nonprofits, Corporate America, the Legal Community, Professional Sports Industry and other industries can play an important leadership role in a child's emotional [literacy] education development.
- Our Specialty Education focus centers on the very established evidence based research that ties emotional literacy to the long term developmental well-being of all children, and ultimately to adulthood - it is who we are. NO other entity has combined the accepted practices of dealing with Emotional Literacy into a complete package that children will enjoy and participate in without urging. We've been doing it since 2007 with results, after spending the previous decade creating the foundational elements.
- Our Public Relations abilities are unmatched when it comes to creating a campaign whereby any company can show its interest in preschoolers developing "emotional literacy skills" while having fun doing so. It's a surefire means of showing corporate interest in a child's overall behavior by supporting how they understand and keep in touch with their emotions. No industry on the planet earth should consider itself disconnected from this part of human behavior.
- Our Advertising/Marketing focus is our unprecedented method as to how we can create a beneficial approach for children to respond to sports activity, technology or the arts while developing their emotional literacy and life-balance. Also, how our Patented Learning System can be integrated into almost any major business' A & M campaign, or serve as a stand alone campaign.
- Our Licensing department allows us to explore and expand into areas of products that provide interactive stimuli for children during their most important developmental years and partnering with others to develop new ways to introduce "EL" to children. In its early days my company was mentored by the late, great 1999 Licensing Hall of Fame member Jack Weissman along with his introduction of us to 2013 member Bernie Leifer.
The focus of each of our departments is to shine a light on how our youngest children develop emotionally and later interact with others. Much is said about "diversity" today...too often without making an actual link with Emotional Literacy. We take the position that, there cannot be meaningful diversity unless a healthy dose of emotional literacy is developed early and correctly. The sooner a child's emotions are properly honed, then regularly engaged, evidence based research has demonstrated that their preparedness for and acceptance of diversity has a more reliable opportunity to blossom as they grow with the emotional literacy skills to incorporate their emotions into all of life's experiences.